Cashew Lederer

Thursday, July 12, 2007

More Emma Pictures

My little girl Emma - she is getting so cute - eventhough she likes to cry a lot. Lately it's getting a bit better - I think she just wants Wendy and me to hold her - I don't blame her. Gotto go - she's crying :)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Mother and Daughter

Our little Girl

Our little Emma is still little. Her brother turned two today - and got his first hair cut. Emma lost her cord recently and also learned how to cry - very well :) Having two children can really tire proud parents out. This weekend we are having a little party for Bradley - Emma will come to the party - I think - unless she is too busy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Our baby girl

Friday, April 06, 2007

Little Emma comes home

Our little Emma is now home. We dressed her up - all girly-like at the hospital - and boy did she look cute. She is basically sleeping on her mommy right now - and she was sleeping on her daddy before. I forgot how much these little buggers sleep :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Emma Gilliam Lederer - and so she is!

The Gods (or at least her parents) have spoken - our little sunshine's name is Emma Gilliam Lederer. We chose an "E" name in memory of Wendy's grandmother Evelyn and my grandmother Eloise. Gilliam is a contraction between Wendy's grandfather George and my grandfather William. This all fits so well together EGL and BGL - Emma & Bradley like two G's in a pod :)

Most likely her nickname will be Emmy - because we thought that that sounded cute too.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Vagina Lessons

So today our little sunshine went doody for the first time. We knew that there was a certain way to wipe a girl - but after we wiped and stuff - we were still a bit unsure. So I called the nurses and asked for a vagina lesson. At first the nurses did not understand and asked me again - when they sent a nurse to really help - she laughed at knowing that all of the nurses at the nurse station indeed heard me correctly :).

The boy and his sister (and daddy)

After a long long day - Bradley gets to meet his baby sister (name to follow). He has been so sweet with her.

Cute little sister


Bradley is a big brother to a baby girl. We were so delighted to hear that it was a girl. The least of which was that we knew we could agree on a name (to be announced).

After only a few minutes of pushing - she came into the world at around 12:07 on April 4th.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Niagra Falls

Her water just broke - how exciting :)
There was a gurgle and then a gush - and then a smile - and a flooded bed.
The Dr. just walked in. She is now 10cm - we're ready to push.
Here we go...

It's getting closer

Wendy is fully effaced and 7cm dialated. The nurses are calling the Dr. to see about breaking her water shortly. We both slept for a few minutes while Wendy's monther watched TV - and listened to me snore :)

We looked at the clock and it was 11:19 - right when Bradley was born :) :) :)

Baby Yoga

To try to get the baby to be in a better birthing position - nurse Cheryl is trying to move the baby by rotating Wendy in funny positions.

Slow Going

Wendy is still 3-4 cm dialated - no progress in the last several hours. They are going to start her on Pitocin - to try to make the contractions stronger and help dialate her quicker. Long day - -but we are just sitting watching TV and basically relaxing. We watched American Idol and House.

Epidural Time

Well -the contractions have become fairly strong
and she was about 3 1/2 - 4 cm dialated. In fact - she is officially in labor now because around 4:30 her cervix had reduced and that signifies the start of labor.

The labor pains began to be a bit too strong - so she was administered an Epidural. I was kicked out for it - but here is the pre-photo (she forced a smile).

The bet is that she will begin to "push" between around 9:30 and 11:30.

The three of us - one last time.

My little boy Bradley finally arrived at the hospital. We were so happy to see him - and he was happy to see us too. It was great to see him - but we felt a bit guilty about his new sibling. He was trying to jump on mommy but her contractions were hurting a bit at this point. They were closer together and stronger.

Bradley is now home with my parents for the night.


Well - some resident just did an exam and felt the head of the baby - so that is good. And she is 3cm dialated - and 55% effaced. As you can tell - i am an expert at this stuff now. The intern did not check my cervix yet. The baby looks like it will be close to 9 lbs-ish but we shall see. B-boy was 7lbs 12oz.

Happy Cappy

Well the good news is that the baby is still head down - looking for the light. My guess is that it will be a long night - but it will be worth the wait.

My mother is watching Bradley now at our house - boy are we nervous for his reaction. I am sure he will love his little brother or sister. He's too little to have a sibling. He's still our little baby :).